Automating Selective Deployments in Jenkins with Groovy: A Step-by-Step Guide
Why we need db backup: The advantage of regularly backing up data is the ability to restore data operations in the case of a ruinous failure of the system.
How to receive AWS CloudWatch alerts on your mobile phone with Amazon Connect?
Overview Amazon Connect is a self-service, cloud-based contact center service that makes it easy for businesses to deliver better customer service at a lower cost.
How to deploy a Vaadin Application (ERP) to Amazon Web Services using EKS
With the rise of cloud computing, many companies are transitioning their desktop applications to Software as a Service (SaaS) in the AWS Cloud.
How to achieve centralized control with Ansible Automation?
Ansible simplifies complex tasks by providing a declarative language to describe desired states and configurations, rather than writing procedural code.
How to configure Alertmanager with Prometheus and Grafana for Monitoring?
Introduction: Prometheus Alertmanager is a crucial component in the Prometheus monitoring ecosystem, responsible for handling alerts generated by the Prometheus server.
Scaling Instances with static ip and Attaching Multiple Target Groups in AWS
In today’s competitive landscape, businesses often face the need to scale their AWS infrastructure due to growth and increased demand for their applications.